Data Analyst Intern

JALA • Kota Yogyakarta, DI Yogyakarta
Jenis Pekerjaan


Range Gaji

1.2 Jt - 1.3 Jt / Bulan

Deskripsi Pekerjaan

  • Help Jala Farm and Jala Insight team analyze and evaluate the shrimp cultivation process through data.
  • Giving insights to support related team to do data collection, processing, and reporting.
  • Develop and monitor credit scoring for shrimp farming.
  • Designing and implements the data pipelines, ETL process and analytics tools.
  • Designing AI/machine learning algorithms that are able to model, predict, and identify any kind of data related to the Jala Farm and Jala Insight team.

Persyaratan Pekerjaan

  • Familiarity with data mining and data modelling
  • Able to collect and process data from any resource using SQL, R/Python or other scripting and statistics tools.
  • Having experience in data analytics.
  • Having experience in AWS technology is a plus.
  • Having experience in using machine learning frameworks.
  • Having experience in statistical analysis (ex: hypothetical test, experimentations, regression) and familiar with statistics tools (Matlab, R, SAS, or Python).
  • Having experience/porto in credit scoring cases is a plus.