Frontend Developer

PT Neural Technologies Indonesia
Jenis Pekerjaan

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Deskripsi Pekerjaan

1. Develop new web interface features for users 2. Create reusable code 3. Ensure all validated user input is sent to the back-end 4. Apply web design principles and responsibly ensure that the company's website runs well on multiple devices 5. Design a framework to create user applications that fit the needs of the company 6. Monitor website performance, watch for traffic down related to site usability issues, and fix issues 7. Review coding apps and features and plan future site upgrades with the development team 8. Assist in the development of applications and features that will be included on the website and in internal and external functions 9. Contribute to documentation (instructional, pitch, and technical specifications)
Requirement :
1. Experienced min. 1 (one) year with React.js 2. Know Javascript, HTML, CSS, Typescript and Web Technology 3. Had used, amchart, and Mapbox 4. Can work using Figma (implementation from design to coding) 5. Versioning platform (GitLab, GitHub) 6. Had used preprocessing CSS (Sass, Less)